Weekly News
Vol. 9-No. 15 Friday, April 10, 2015
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
SUNDAY, April 12, 2015
9:00 am – Sunday School
10:30 am – Worship Service
Sanctuary: “Peace Be Unto You”
– Scripture: John 20: 19 -31
Thoughts on the Word: The lectionary scripture texts for this week overflow with witness to the resurrection of Jesus. In the montage of witness stories, we see the unbelievable generosity of the early church community that echoes God’s joy in unity. The Gospel lesson from the 20th chapter of John contains even greater disbelief in the story of Thomas. This is a week for us to work through our doubts as a part of our faith journey. Jesus does what is needed so that we can see, touch, and taste the power of God. This power not only raises the dead, it empowers the believers to live a life of conviction and generosity. The resurrection changes us and gives us peace beyond our understanding!
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE – April 5, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 181
SPRING CONGREGATIONAL FORUM, SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 -Packets are available to be picked up on the table in the Narthex. There are two sections. The forum booklet and the treasurer report.
I extend a huge thank you to all of the folks who helped to make the Easter Egg Hunt successful once again. We were very blessed this year to have sunshine even though the day was rather cool!! Everyone including the children, their parents/grandparents, and the many volunteers, both youth and adults had a great time. My thank you list includes: the excellent planning group, the “egg stuffers”, those who donated items and/or money, Scott, the custodian, and all the adults and youth who volunteered their time, shopping or helping at the event. Also thank you, Easter Bunny, for coming by to visit the children at our hunt. We had 58 children plus their parents and/or grandparents for a fun filled evening. Our craft for the evening was decorating a flower pot and planting marigold seeds after filling it with soil. This craft was a big hit with all of the children. First Church folks, you did an awesome job! THANK YOU! Elizabeth
APRIL 11, 2015 – CAMP EDER &- We need your Help!! – 2015 Lumberjack Work Day – 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. Bring your chain saws, gloves, and safety goggles as we clean up the forest and split lots of wood for Camp. Ask about other equipment that you might bring. We’ll also need help to prepare lunch for our lumberjacks. Coffee & donuts will be available for breakfast. Lunch will be served at noon. Call or email to register for free, phone:717-642-8256 or email:campeder@campeder.org
APRIL 16, 2015 – The Friends of Cross Keys Village ~ The Brethren Home Community are having a “Previously Read” Book Sale in the Nicarry Meetinghouse on Thursday, April 16, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. If you love to read and want to buy inexpensive books, you will want to come and check out this sale! Hard back books are primarily $ 1 and the soft back books are primarily 50 cents. All of the proceeds benefit The Friends of Cross Keys Village ~ The Brethren Home Community
APRIL 18, 2015, Saturday at 3:00 PM – The Friends of Cross Keys Village – The Brethren Home Community presents “OPERATION HELPING HANDS” A Fundraising Event Featuring “The National Christian Choir”
New Oxford High School Auditorium – All seats assigned. Ticket Prices: VIP seats $ 100. Helping Hand seats $ 25. www.crosskeysvillage.org/friends and click on Purchase Tickets button or Phone 717-270-2112
APRIL 18-23, 2015 – Immigration, 2015 Christian Citizenship Seminar provides high school aged students the chance to explore the relationship between faith and a particular political issue, and then act from a faith perspective regarding that issue. All high school youth and their adult advisors are eligible to attend the seminar. There is a $ 400. Registration fee – First Church will pay half the cost. This seminar begins April 18th at 2:30 pm in New York City, and will end by 12:00 (noon) on Thursday, April 23rd in Washington, DC. To register, go to www.brethren.org/ccs See flyer on the student ministry bulletin board for additional information.
Thank you notes received from our Ministry Partners:
Thank you for your generous support of the Nigeria Crisis Response. With this gift, you are walking in solidarity with Nigerian people who have been left homeless, hungry and in mourning by the escalating violence of the terror group, Boko Haram. Please pray for peace in Nigeria. Your prayers serve as a lifeline of grace to comfort and strengthen our Nigerian sisters and brothers during this painful crisis.
Nigerian Crisis Response Team: Carl Hill, Roxane Hill, Roy Winter, Jay Wittmeyer
$1594.00 designated funds, Potato Bar, Relief Concert
Thank you for your support of the mission and ministry of the Church of the Brethren. It is through your generosity that ministries grow and lives are changed.
Stanley J. Noffsinger, General Secretary
$1208 Witness Commitment
Thank you for your ongoing financial support towards the Outdoor Ministry of Camp Eder. It is through your help that lives are touched and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared….
Alan Patterson, Camp Director
$200 Witness Commitment
CAMP EDER IS LOOKING FOR SUMMER STAFF: Camp Eder is looking for young men and women who desire to make positive impacts in the lives of our campers. Our mission is to boldly and without hesitation, present the message of God’s grace that is given to us by the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. We fulfill that mission by welcoming campers into a safe and caring community, studying Scriptures together, exploring God’s Creation, and making sure that their week at camp is the most fun week of their summer.
The “Camp Eder Experience” includes rustic living in our unique covered wagons or long huts, cooking over fires, hiking mountains, playing in the creek, and captivating young minds with stories shared round the campfire at night. We have two full weeks of counselor training to equip our counselors with the hard skills necessary to facilitate that experience with confidence. Although previous experience in camping or youth ministry is a plus, it is not necessary for hiring. As the saying goes, “God does not always call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”
Contact Kathy Kovacs if interested or want additional information.
Spring Cleaning for Yard Sale is here – so we need all your unused household, yard, crafts, jewelry and miscellaneous items. Bring in your donations to the church starting Monday, April 20th for our Yard Sale that is coming on Saturday, June 13. Remember NO large items until June 10 & 11. Need information? Contact Kathy Kovacs – at 309-0678
On the lighter side:
“Eagles Caught Smooching!” Many of us are watching the eagle-cam at Codorus State Park and we’re learning much about eagle life. One romantic moment was captured by Larry Gibble and it appeared on a Montgomery County (near Philadelphia) newspaper’s web site. Check it out at http://media.montgomerynews.com/2015/02/19/photos-central-pennsylvanias-bald-eagles/#4. The photo was found by Larry’s brother Marv, when he Googled “bald eagles hanover”.
APRIL 21, 2015 – The “Grand Illusions” Jewelry Sale will be held Tuesday, April 21st, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. This is a favorite as most items are only $ 6.00, this also includes scarves, wallets, and watches. Come to Cross Keys Village ~ The Brethren Home Community, Nicarry Meetinghouse, and see for yourself the outstanding quality spring/summer merchandise offered. The proceeds will benefit The Friends of Cross Keys Village ~ The Brethren Home Community.
MAY 7, 2015 – The Friends of Cross Keys Village ~ The Brethren Home Community are having their “Spring Plant Sale: at Cross Keys Village ~ TBHC in the Nicarry Meetinghouse on Thursday, May 7th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you are in need of plants to renew your landscaping, get your garden started, or obtaining hanging baskets for decorating, order some of these magnificent plants provided by Musselman’s nursery. Pre-order forms can be obtained from you keyperson, Anna Miller. The proceeds assist in meeting the 2015 Friends goals. Get those beautiful hanging baskets for Mother’s Day and help the mission as well. Check with your keyperson for order forms.
MAY 9, 2015 – 3RD ANNUAL SPRING FAIR, Saturday, May 9th, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm – Black Rock Church of the Brethren, 3864 Glenville Road, Glenville, PA , 717-637-6170, blackrockcurch.org – All Star York Suburban Jazz Band, York Jr. Symphony Wind Ensemble, EHMIS Show Choir, Rotisserie Chicken, Pit Beef, Bounce House, Silent Auction, Butterfly Release, Benefit: Lazarus Food Pantry, Carroll County, MD
MAY 16, 2015 – 2015 ANNUAL CAMP EDER BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT – Held at Mountain View Golf Course, 4099 Bullfrog Road, Fairfield, PA 17320, Proceeds Benefit the 2015 Camp Eder Summer Camp Program. $ 75. per person/ $ 300. per four-person team. See bulletin board for additional information, the registration form and the sponsorship form OR contact Kathy Kovacs, 717-309-0678
Information on the bus trip to the Annual Conference July 11-15, Tampa, Florida This is to inform you that I will be hosting an Elite Coach to the July 11 – 15 Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida this summer. People have been inquiring about this possibility.
With a minimum of 35 participants, the cost will be $789 per person double occupancy and that is all inclusive, conference lodging, enroute lodging, ,transportation and driver gratuity. It does not include meals (except breakfasts along the way) while traveling or at conference.
Since reservations for lodging open in late February, I cannot assure A.C. lodging, but I have requested and am assured that our conference stay will be at the Marriott Hotel which is across the street from the convention center. This trip of approximately 1100 miles will take two and one-half days with stops along the way. We will leave July 9 from Brethren Village at 7:30 a.m., pick up people along the way and return on July 17 around 6 p.m. We will take appropriate breaks but it will not be much of a sightseeing tour. We hope to stop at one or two interesting sites along the way. The minimum participants will be 35 persons to stay within the above price. Happy New Year and God bless! Earl K. Ziegler (See letter on the bulletin board)
Contacting the Pastor: Pastor Don can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The pastor reserves afternoons and evenings for visitation, meetings, and other pastoral-related activities. If you need to reach a Pastor Don outside of office hours, please call him at home at 792-4090, or cell phone 818-6266, and leave a message on his home answering machine. He will return your call at his earliest opportunity.If you would specifically like a pastoral visit, please contact the pastor. HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted. You MUST specifically note to hospital staff that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.