Weekly News
Vol. 12-No. 14 Friday, April 7, 2017
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– SANCTUARY: “It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming!”
– SCRIPTURE: John 12:20-27
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule.
ATTENDANCE – April 2, 2017, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 90
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, the April calendar, and April Newsline Digest are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
JUST A REMINDER. ~ The Easter Egg Hunt is this Wednesday, April 12th from 5:30 until 7:00. If you will be attending please sign up on the sheets on the bulletin board. There is a light supper from 5:30-6:00. Hope to see you there!
7:30 am Joint Easter Dawn Service with Christ Disciples Assembly in the Chapel
8:30 am Easter Breakfast – Enjoy a great breakfast and fellowship time directly after the Sunrise Service at 8:30 am. Sign-up sheets are located on the narthex. If you have questions please see the Fellowship Team, Sid Innerst, Jayne Baldwin, Alicia Weyant or Tim Beckwith
10:30 am Easter Service
The April suggestion from the Spiritual Enrichment Team is to hold the Refugees of the world in your prayers, and be concerned for their plight. The Bible teaches us about many immigrants and refugees. Jesus and his parents were refugees who fled Palestine because King Herod was trying to kill Jesus. What kind of reception would Jesus and his family have today if they showed up on our southern border, riding a donkey? I hope we could welcome them with shelter, clothing, food, or a blanket. But no matter what the circumstances, one thing we can do is to pray. “We can call on the resources of our faith to do things we never thought possible. We can relate to people who come from different backgrounds, life experiences, and faith perspectives. We can share hope and life-giving opportunities where there seems to be only death”. (Medicine of Mercy, April 6, 2017)
LOST AND FOUND. . . . . . . . .
An engagement ring and wedding ring was turned into the office. Please call the church office if these belong to you.
THIS WEEK. . . . . . . . . . . .
APRIL 10, 2017 – MONDAY, APRIL 10 – IS THE DAY – to start bringing in those yard sale items you no longer want or need to the church garage. LARGE ITEMS such as electronic, furniture or lawn equipment will ONLY be accepted WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7 & JUNE 8. Volunteers will be needed for many duties. Look for sign up sheets which will be posted in the narthex very soon. Please mark the date JUNE 10 for YORK FIRST INDOOR YARD SALE in our “air conditioned” Fellowship Hall. Any questions – please see Kathy Kovacs.
APRIL 13, 2017 ~ OWLS NEWS – As we celebrate HOLY WEEK, join the OWLS at noon on Thursday, April 13 in the Homebuilders classroom 154 for lunch. Andrea Adams will be with us again for another presentation of one of the Biblical Women. (Which one is an interesting secret.) Her presentations are always inspiring, so be sure to sign-up and come along. Bring your bag lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided by Jeanette. Please sign up in the narthex by Sunday April 9 so we know how many to prepare for.
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, April 14, 2017 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
Audio System Update
Our new audio system is being installed! We now have $7054 donated to complete the payment. That’s 35% of our goal. Getting close to halfway!! Place your checks in the offering marked “sound system” or let us know if you are willing to make a pledge over the next 6 months. Check our progress on the poster in the narthex!
Financial Resources Team
THANK YOU. . . . . . . . . . .
THANK YOU, Thanks to everyone who supports the Friends of Cross Keys Village with prayers, gifts and your time as you volunteer to help the residents. Thank you for your used stamps they are really appreciated, keep them coming.
God Bless you all. ~ Keyperson, Anna Miller
SYMPATHY AND CONDOLENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To the family of Fran Seiffert. Fran passed away on April 4, 2017. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend Frances’ life celebration service at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 9, 2017 with the visitation to follow at First Church of the Brethren, 2710 Kingston Rd., York. Officiating will be Pastor Nancy Jones..
To Suzanne Gray on the passing of her mother, Betty Viering. Please keep Suzanne, husband Ronald, children and grandchildren in your thoughts and prayers.
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . .
APRIL 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, & 25, 2017 ~ 2017 MEAT CANNING PROJECT – It is scheduled for six days a the Christian Aid Ministries. The goal is to can approximately 50,000 pounds of chicken. The meat canning project is a great way for us to minister to those in need during these difficult economic times. A shift of 25 persons is needed to work from 6 AM to Noon (20 of those persons should be able to process the chicken, while the others are needed for labeling) A second shift of 17 persons is needed to come in at 9AM and relieve some of the first shift. Canning will continue until approximately 11AM with labeling to continue until about 2:30 PM. Volunteers needed to provide meals ~ The meat canning committee is very grateful to those congregations who will be providing free snacks and a light lunch (for all workers) to be available during each shift. The Mid-Atlantic District will be partnering with some of the SO PA District congregations who are willing to prepare a meal, but are short on funds. Please contact your district office if your congregation is willing to provide a meal or funds. Please see John Anderson
APRIL 19, 2017 – CAMP EDER SENIOR DAY – Wed., April 19 – Raingardens & Pollinators – The Native Yard Lady; Lunch: Baked Haddock, Backed Macaroni & Cheese, Mixed Green Salad; Waterfield – Dane Wagel
9:30 am Meet & Greet, 10:00 am Morning Activities, 12 noon Lunch, 1:00 pm Afternoon Program
APRIL 19, 2017 – Elizabethtown College’s Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies presents “Got Schnitz? Pennsylvania German Material Culture,” a panel discussion led by Joshua R. Brown, on Wed., April 19, 7:30 p.m., in the Susquehanna Room. Brown is an associate professor of German and linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. For more information, call 717-361-1470 or visit www.etown.edu/youngctr/events.
APRIL 21-23, 2017 – Spring Scrapbook Retreat – Arrive on Friday, April 21st anytime after 6 pm. Head home on Sunday, April 23rd after lunch.
Two nights of lodging and five meals included! $105./Geigley Lodge or $135./Tree of Peace Lodge. See poster on bulletin board or contact Kathy Kovacs.
APRIL 29, 2017, Southern PA District COB 2017 District Women’s Spring Luncheon, Sat. morning, April 29th. Bermudian Church of the Brethren, Registration begins at 8:00 AM Our Nigerian Sister, Sarah Mambula will be speaking about “….be strong and of good courage” Joshua 1: 1-10. Bermudian Sisters pray as we gather as ‘Sisters in Christ’ we will reflect on ALL of our blessings. Traveling our paths requires much strength and courage, and above all a mighty faith in our Saviour. Please see the brochure and registration form on the bulletin board.
Registration Deadline: APRIL 14, 2017
JUNE 12 & 13, 2017 – 69TH Annual Women’s Camp Retreat, “Relax, Rejoice, and Rest” – Monday, June 12 and Tuesday, June 13, Location: Camp Eder, 914 Mount Hope Road, Fairfield, PA 17320. Retreat Leader will be Brandy Liepelt. Brandy is a busy wife and mother of two very active little girls. Brandy has been a single pastor, workshop and retreat leader, missionary to Nigeria, a sometimes instructor for Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center, a Sunday school curriculum author, and a pastor’s wife. Her most recent adventure is co-pastoring the Annville Church of the Brethren with her husband, Paul. Brandy wants you to take time in the midst of your hectic business to find ways to relax and let go of the stress you carry and to rejoice in Christ our Savior as we find rest in him. See bulletin board for additional information and the registration form. Please complete and return the enclosed registration form no later than Monday, May 15, 2017.
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Bob can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Bob is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his cell phone number is (717) 818-0653. You can also email him at Pastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
CONTACTING THE YOUTH DIRECTOR, Garrett Page: His phone number is (614) 400-9533 or by email at nykgarrettpage@yahoo.com