Weekly News
Vol. 13-No. 9 Friday, March 2, 2018
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
SUNDAY, March 4, 2018
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. – Worship Service, Sanctuary
– MESSAGE: “Folly and Weakness”
– SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL to begin on MARCH 4TH ~ We will begin our new young adult class and children’s Sunday school hour programming. The new class is for adults ages 20’s to 40’s and will meet in the lounge.
Childcare will be provided for infant-Pre K and Sunday school class for grades K-5. All welcome! Please plan to join us in this new opportunity for learning and growth in faith.
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule and Lincoln Flyer for OWLS Group
ATTENDANCE – February 25, 2018, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 95
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, the March calendar, and March Newsline Digest are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and can be viewed at www.yorkfirst.org
MARCH 18, 2018, Special Offering: ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING is a special opportunity for your congregation to show God’s love to people who are in need. When you give to the offering, you support the life-changing efforts of Global Mission and Service, Brethren Volunteer Service, Congregational Life Ministries, Brethren Disaster Ministries, the Global Food Initiative, the Office of Public Witness, the Office of Ministry, and many others. With God’s help, your gifts, and the dedication of faithful volunteers, the Church of the Brethren serves, loves, and partners with people all over the world. Please give generously to One Great Hour of Sharing, Thank you for partnering in this important work!
Prayer Vigil Videos: We are grateful for the attention given to the recent cultural violence prayer vigil held in our sanctuary as a mutual service co-sponsored by Christ Disciples and First Church. Click on these links to view the videos:
York County church holds prayer vigil to honor victims of Florida school shooting
EASTER FLOWERS ~ It’s that time of year to be ordering flowers for Easter Sunday, April 1st. Orders will be taken on Sunday – March 11th and Sunday – March 18th in the narthex.
Tulips – 6″ pot -5 bulbs, Yellow, pink, purple ~ $ 9.00 /Daffodils – 6″ pot- 4 bulbs ~ $ 9.00 /Azaleas – 1gallon -red or pink ~ $ 12.00 /Easter Lilies – 6″ pot ~ $ 9.00 /Hardy Hydrangea, 4 plus blooms, blue or pink~ $ 15.00
MARCH 28, 2018 – EASTER EGG HUNT (Rain or Shine)
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 28th from 5:30 until 7:00 pm. There will be sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for those who plan to come. If you would like to help, there will be a column on the sign-up sheet. Sign up by March 19th.
****There will be a box in the narthex for donations of plastic eggs and any extra baskets you might be willing to share. The children are to bring their own but we might need extras. Volunteers are needed for Egg hiding,
taking groups to hunt for eggs, setting and cleaning up, and helping children know where to go. If you have any time to donate, please see or call Terry Wueschinski. Thanks in advance.
THIS WEEK . . . . . . . . . .
MARCH 3, 2018 ~ STRAWBERRY HILL’S ANNUAL MOUNT HOPE MAPLE MADNESS maple sugaring festival – Held at Camp Eder, 914 Mount Hope Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 – Sat., March 3, 7:30 – 11:30am Pancake Breakfast and Local Art & Craft Vendors 9:00am – 12:00pm Maple Sugaring Tours (90 minute tour; last tour begins at 12pm and runs until 1:30pm) Tickets available at the door. All-you-care-to-eat Pancake Breakfast: $8 Adult / $4 Child Maple Sugaring Tour: $8 Adult / $5 Child
“SWEET DEAL”: Best Price — Breakfast & a Tour $12 Adult / $7 Child (under 3 Free)
MARCH 3, 2018 – The Friends of Cross Keys Village/The Brethren Home Community – The Spring Meeting of The Friends, Saturday, March 3rd (snow date March 31) 10:00 a.m., Nicarry Meetinghouse – Our program will feature Rev. Christian Elliott, from the Knobsville Church of the Brethren. He will speak about his mission work in Africa. A light lunch will follow. (Free will offering will be taken) Please RSVP by Feb. 23rd to Volunteer Services by telephone at 717-624-5227 or E-mail Ruth Wilson at r.wilson@crosskeysvillage.org so we can adequately prepare for the meeting and lunch.
MARCH 8, 2018 ~ OWLS NEWS ~ See attached poster for this OWLS event ~ On Thursday March 8 the OWLS will welcome Ernie Heffner to present “The Assassination and Funeral of President Lincoln.” As a funeral director, Ernie has thoroughly researched this event and has prepared an interesting program of pictures, commentary and handouts on the subject. Please join us in the Homebuilders classroom 154 on Thursday March 8 at noon so we can have a good turnout to meet with Mr. Heffner and learn more about the last days of President Lincoln. Just bring your bag lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided by Margaret Eck. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex no later than March 4 so we know how many to prepare for.
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, March 9, 2018 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
Please keep these families in your prayers:
●Richard Ault and family on the passing of his wife, Anne Ault. The funeral service for Anne will be held this morning, at Etzweiler Funeral Home, 1111 E. Market St., York, PA., 10:00 to 11:00 will be time with family and the service will begin at 11:00.
●Pat Trimmer and family on the passing of her husband, Galen Trimmer.
●Carole and Dave Bradfield on the passing of their step-granddaughter, Angie Allison.
SPRING is coming and Summer is not far behind – and so is the First Church YARD SALE. Yard Sale will be Saturday June 9 in our air conditioned Fellowship Hall.
All proceeds to benefit Camp Eder and Youth Scholarships. Get prepared and start cleaning out. April 9 is our start date for items to be brought into the church garage.
NO LARGE ITEMS OR ELECTRONICS. A date will be set later for large furniture items.
A “dough for dough” and Sub Sale will occur on Sunday March 11 in the church lobby. So come out to buy some goodies or subs for lunch and help get us ready for this great yard sale.
Prayer Vigils at Planned Parenthood during LENT- Do you want to do something for Lent that is very special? Consider joining us in prayer for an hour or more at the curb in front of Planned Parenthood, 728 S. Beaver St., York. As you know, Lent begins Ash Wednesday, February 14, and runs through Palm Sunday, March 25.- For additional information or any questions, please contact Dan Snook.
The Spiritual Enrichment Team has been sharing “The Top 10 Ways to Reduce Violence”, by Dr. Phillip E. Humbert. In light of more shootings, it is most important to practice these suggestions, and pass them on to others. We must ask God for help that we may share his peace and be examples of his love. Here are the last three of the ten suggestions:
8. ACKNOWLEDGE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SPORTS AND VOLENT BEHAVIOR. Again, sports is a sacred icon in American culture, but it seems that sports have been separated from athletics. Instead of every child participating in gym class and competing in intramural sports, we have a culture of super-hero super-stars who are virtually above the law. Hockey, football, and fighting sports all tolerate behavior that would result in arrest for assault outside the sports arena. Competition and fitness are valuable; organized violence is not acceptable!
9. ACKNOWLEDGE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE. Business uses the language of the battlefield, and sports is full of encouragement to “get out there and kill”, “massacre them”, and “beat their brains out”. Our legal system is based on the idea of lawyers doing battle. While hiring a representative to fight with words instead of clubs was a huge step forward in the middle ages, perhaps our society is ready for an even higher level of conflict resolution.
10. SEE THE VIOLENCE IN OURSELVES. Sometimes I find myself so angry I “daydream” about violence, or “really showing them”. Violence is not just someone else’s problem. I must work for peace, love and improved conflict resolution in my own life. How about you?
These ten suggestions are simple to practice and if followed they will help to stop the de-sensitivity of violence in our culture. We must not continue to allow violence to be acceptable, as an act of faith and an extension of the work of Jesus.
LOOKING AHEAD. . . . . . . .
MARCH 21, 2018- CAMP EDER SENIOR DAY – Wed, March 21st, 9:30 am -3:00 pm, $18 includes two programs, meet and greet with continental breakfast and lunch. Morning Program (10am) Glass Blowing with Michael Poluso – Lunch (12pm)
Afternoon Program (1pm) “The History of Ordinary Things” History talk by John Maietta. If any questions, contact Kathy Kovacs at 717-309-0678
MARCH 22, 2018 – You are invited to attend the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies’ annual banquet on Thurs., March 22, at 6:00 p.m. The dinner will be followed by the Young Center Durnbaugh Lecture 2018, Thursday, March 22, 2018, 7:30 – 9pm, Durnbaugh Lectures: Update on the Boko Haram Crisis in Northeastern Nigeria” and “The Founding of CCEPI and Its Mission to the Displaced” Samuel Dali, former president of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria, presents an overview of the Boko Haram crisis, the devastation to the Church of the Brethren, and the church’s response. Rebecca Dali, founder and executive director of the Centre for Caring, Empowerment and Peace Initiatives (CCEPI), gives a brief history of the organization and discusses the plight of women in northeastern Nigeria, and IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) and refugees in Cameroon.
Cost: Free, Contact: Young Center at 717-361-1470 or youngctr@etown.edu , Location: Esbenshade Gibble Auditorium, Organization: YOUNG CENTER, Web Site:www.etown.edu
MARCH 23 & 24, 2018 – FUNDRAISER YARD SALE – New Fairview Church, 1873 New Fairview Church Road, York, Friday, March 23, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm & Saturday, March 24, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm – Bake Sale, Good Food, 1,000’s of items
APRIL 6 & 7, 2018 ~ Bucket Building Project
The Brethren Disaster Relief Auction will be assembling 1200 Disaster Relief Clean-Up buckets at the Florin Church of the Brethren (815 Bruce Av. Mt Joy, PA 17552). These 5-gallon buckets are filled with items to assist victims of flood disasters and will restock the supply at the New Windsor Brethren Disaster Ministries warehouse. Help is needed on April 6 and 7, 2018, to set up and complete the project. Friday is set-up day and will involve unpacking and preparing the assembly lines for the actual build to be done on Saturday. Friday begins about 10:00 AM and will continue until the work is finished. Lunch will be provided. Saturday’s schedule starts at 8:00 AM and is expected to conclude by noon. Everyone who would like to have a part in this valuable ministry is welcome to help. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Fritz, BDRA Co-Chair at 717-823-2745 or email twfritz@ptd.net.
APRIL 24, 2018 – The Lehman Center Auxiliary Presents 27th Annual Benefit Auction for Children’s Aid Society’s ~ York County 4-H Center, 771 Stoverstown Road, York, PA, Tuesday, April 24, 2018, Auction Preview & Food Servie Begin at 12:00 pm, Live Auction Begins at 5:00 pm , Live Auction Featuring: Art Collectibles, Sports Items, New Merchandise – Silent Auction includes: Art Collectibles, Theme Baskets, Gift Certificates – Kitchen will be open & serving: Homemade Soup, Bar-B-Que, Pies & so much more! For more information, please call 717-845-5771, or visit www.cassd.org
APRIL 28, 2018 – Southern PA District COB 2018 District Women’s Spring Luncheon, Sat., April 28th – Squaring up Fitness according to the Gospel of Dr. Luke held at Newville Church of the Brethren, 16 Carlisle Road, Newville, PA 17241.We build up the body with nutrition and exercise, but how do we build up the body of Christ? Through fellowship, training, and service in love. – A. Aronis. Please see the poster and brochures/registration form on the bulletin board. Registration Deadline: April 16, 2018
MAY 5, 2018 – Camp Eder Benefit Golf Tournament, Saturday, May 5th, Getting out on the green for Camp Eder is a fun and meaningful way to start spring. Mountain View’s Golf Club is a must play FOUR STAR Golf Digest golf course located just minutes from the Historic Gettysburg Battlefields. Schedule: 6:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast, 8:00 am Shotgun Start (four player scramble), 12:00 pm Hors d’oeuvres & Refreshments at Camp Eder, 1:00 pm Lunch at Camp Eder Dining Hall
Registration is $75/person and $300 for a team of 4 – Limited to the first 100 registrations. Don’t have four? An individual golfer or groups less than 4 will be placed in a team prior to the event. Lunch will be served at 12 Noon at Camp Eder in Geigley Dining Hall. Prizes at the end of each play. See the bulletin board for more information and for the sponsor/registration forms. You will be mailed more information regarding the day after we receive your registration.
JULY 21-26, 2018 – CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN NATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE (NYC) in Fort Collins, Colorado. Youth who have completed grades 9-12 are invited to attend this exciting gathering of thousands of youth from across the country. It happens only once every 4 years, and includes many times of worship, small groups, workshops, service projects, recreation, social activities, and more! Visit http://www.brethren.org/yya/nyc/ for details. Please contact Pastor Joel if you or your children may have interest in attending. The church will cover most expenses, and it promises to be a life-giving experience that is not to be missed!
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Joel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is (717) 318-5442, and his cell number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him at pastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.