Weekly News
Vol. 12-No. 10 Friday, March 10, 2017
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– SANCTUARY: “Red Letter Christians: The First shall be Last”
– SCRIPTURE: Mark 9:30-41
REMINDER: TIME CHANGE, SUNDAY MARCH 12th – Move clocks ahead one hour.
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule.
ATTENDANCE – March 5, 2017, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 84
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, the March calendar, and March Newsline Digest are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
QUILT IN THE ENTRY was pieced by Nadine Diehl
A. Cancellations will be announced through our church phone system.
Please use the following process:
1. Call the church office at 755-0307.
2. When answering machine message begins, press 6
3. A recorded message will indicate the status of church services/activities.
B. Cancellations will be announced on the church’s web site at www.yorkfirst.org and when possible, emails will be sent to all online mailing list members and added to our Facebook page and Twitter, and in that 1, 2, 3, 4 order. *Weather related cancellations will not be announced on radio or TV.
THIS WEEK. . . . . . . . . . . .
MARCH 15, 2017 – CAMP EDER SENIOR DAY – Wed, March 15th, 9:30 am -3:00 pm, $18 includes two programs, breakfast buffet, and lunch.
Morning Program (10am) Randy Motz and his wife will share about their hike of the entire Appalachian Trail. Lunch (12pm) Shepherds Pie, Corn Beef Casserole, Orange Romaine Salad, Afternoon Program (1pm) Randy Motz – Native American style flute, piano, cello, guitar, strings and percussion. See poster on bulletin board and if any questions, contact Kathy Kovacs.
MARCH 19, 2017, ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING is a special opportunity for your congregation to show God’s love to people who are in need. When you give to the offering, you support the life-changing efforts of Global Mission and Service, Brethren Volunteer Service, Congregational Life Ministries, Brethren Disaster Ministries, the Global Food Initiative, the Office of Public Witness, the Office of Ministry, and many others. With God’s help, your gifts, and the dedication of faithful volunteers, the Church of the Brethren serves, loves, and partners with people all over the world. Please give generously to One Great Hour of Sharing, Thank you for partnering in this important work!
In 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 we read “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We can be cheerful givers in many different ways. The Spiritual Enrichment Team encourages you to give something away on a regular basis—-maybe once each week, or even every day. It could be a helping hand where needed, a phone call of caring, a flower from your garden, or pass on a book or magazine you have read, give useable clothing to the Salvation Army, make a casserole for the soup kitchen, give a smile to a stranger, etc. etc. Such generosity can bless the one who gives, the same as those who receive. And it helps us become more Christ like in our lives.
EASTER FLOWERS ~ It’s that time of year to be ordering flowers for Easter Sunday, April 16. Orders will be taken on Sundays -March 26 and April 2, in the lobby.
Tulips – 6″ pot -5 bulbs, Yellow, pink, purple ~ $ 9.00
Daffodils – 6″ pot- 4 bulbs ~ $ 9.00
Azaleas – 1gallon -red or pink ~ $ 12.00
Easter Lilies – 6″ pot ~ $ 9.00
Image result for microphone clip art
Audio System Update
Our new audio system is ready to be installed! All of the equipment has been purchased. The Leadership Team has challenged us to raise the additional monies needed to pay for the installation. So far, we have $1429.50 donated and another $2500 pledged. Can you help us reach our goal? Place your checks in the offering marked “sound system” or let us know if you are willing to make a pledge over the next 6 months. Check our progress on the poster in the narthex!
Financial Resources Team
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . .
MARCH 24 & 25 2017 – NEW FAIRVIEW CHURCH FUNDRAISER YARD SALE, March 24th 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, March 25th 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, New Fairview Church, 1873 New Fairview Church Road, York – Bake Sale and Good Food – 1,000’s of items
APRIL 8, 2017 – Camp Eder Mother and Daughter Day – “Take Me Away Spa Day”, Sat., April 8th, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Cost: Adult $ 30, Child $ 10 ages 6-15, ~ Camp Eder formally invites all mothers and daughters to join us in Geigley Lodge. Mothers and Daughters will be led by Melissa Shaffer for a day of fellowship, pampering, and relaxation. The day will be comprised of home-made spa treatments, delicious treats, and spiritual nourishment. This is a day of bonding and making memories to last a life time! See poster on bulletin board and if any questions, contact Kathy Kovacs.
APRIL 8, 2017 – Camp Eder Father and Son Day – Sat., April 8th, 9:00 am, Cost: Adult $ 30, $ 15 Ages 6-15, Fathers and Sons join us for a day of action packed adventure! We will spend the morning with Matt Iiko as he shares about gun safety and skeet shooting. The afternoon will be spent working on a carving project that you can take home to remember this great day of family fun and bonding! See poster on bulletin board and if any questions, contact Kathy Kovacs.
APRIL 10, 2017 – First Church INDOOR YARD SALE will be Saturday, JUNE 10 in the Fellowship Hall. YARD SALE DONATIONS WANTED STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 10. Bring in those household items that you no longer need. Volunteers, food items, and baked goods also needed. Chicken Corn soup will again be available to take out or eat in. Containers welcome. Lunch will include hamburgers in sauce, hot dogs on the grill, Ham & Bean Soup, hoagies, and baked goods. Put JUNE 10 on your calendar for a great day out for unusual finds, great food and fun times with friends. More information coming. See Kathy Kovacs for questions.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 12th from 5:30 until 7:00 pm. There will be sign up sheets on the bulletin board for those who plan to come. If you would like to help, there will be a column on the sign up sheet.
APRIL 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, & 25, 2017 ~ 2017 MEAT CANNING PROJECT – It is scheduled for six days a the Christian Aid Ministries. The goal is to can approximately 50,000 pounds of chicken. The meat canning project is a great way for us to minister to those in need during these difficult economic times. A shift of 25 persons is needed to work from 6 AM to Noon (20 of those persons should be able to process the chicken, while the others are needed for labeling) A second shift of 17 persons is needed to come in at 9AM and relieve some of the first shift. Canning will continue until approximately 11AM with labeling to continue until about 2:30 PM. Volunteers needed to provide meals ~ The meat canning committee is very grateful to those congregations who will be providing free snacks and a light lunch (for all workers) to be available during each shift. The Mid-Atlantic District will be partnering with some of the SO PA District congregations who are willing to prepare a meal, but are short on funds. Please contact your district office if your congregation is willing to provide a meal or funds. Please see John Anderson.
APRIL 21-23, 2017 – Spring Scrapbook Retreat – Arrive on Friday, April 21st anytime after 6 pm. Head home on Sunday, April 23rd after lunch.
Two nights of lodging and five meals included! $105./Geigley Lodge or $135./Tree of Peace Lodge. See poster on bulletin board or contact Kathy Kovacs.
APRIL 29, 2017, Southern PA District COB 2017 District Women’s Spring Luncheon, Sat. morning, April 29th. Bermudian Church of the Brethren, Registration begins at 8:00 AM Our Nigerian Sister, Sarah Mambula will be speaking about “….be strong and of good courage” Joshua 1: 1-10. Bermudian Sisters pray as we gather as ‘Sisters in Christ’ we will reflect on ALL of our blessings. Traveling our paths requires much strength and courage, and above all a mighty faith in our Saviour. Please see the brochure and registration form on the bulletin board.
Registration Deadline: APRIL 14, 2017
If your birthday is in MARCH and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
5 Edward Sweigard
6 Kevin McCracken
Thessa Sollenberger
Jackie LeGrand
7 Anita Jacobs
10 Chris Baldwin
11 Jacob Boogher
13 Gail Rutland
Galen Trimmer
Terry Yeager
18 David Diehl
22 Audrey Ginder
24 Anna Boogher
Jean Howe
25 Sheldon Markel
28 Seth Brickner
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Bob can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Bob is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his cell phone number is (717) 818-0653. You can also email him at Pastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
CONTACTING THE YOUTH DIRECTOR, Garrett Page: His phone number is (614) 400-9533 or by email at nykgarrettpage@yahoo.com