Weekly News
Vol. 13-No. 35 Friday, August 31, 2018
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
SUNDAY, September 2, 2018
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School (classes for all ages)
10:30 a.m. – Worship, Sanctuary
– SCRIPTURE: James 1:17-27
– MESSAGE: “Words for Action”
Church Office will be closed on Monday, September 3, 2018
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule
ATTENDANCE – August 26, 2018, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 107
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, the September calendar, and September Newsline Digest are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and can be viewed at www.yorkfirst.org
2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE WRAP UP DVD is available in the church office. The DVD can be checked out to view and return. Please contact the church office to make sure it is available when you want to sign it out. There is also a printout of the Wrap-up on the table in the narthex for you to pick up. We will hear a brief delegate’s report on Annual Conference during worship on September 9th.
York First Church of the Brethren Children’s Ministry
September | |||
Nursery 9:00-10:15
(birth-K) |
K-5th Teacher
9:00-10:00 |
Nursery 10:15-11:45
(Birth-1st) |
2 | Bob Stoolmaker | Stephanie Stoolmaker | Bob & Stephanie Stoolmaker |
9 | Kathy Kovacs & Gail Rutland | Michele Gibbel | Kathy Kovacs & Gail Rutland |
16 | Michele Gibbel | John Anderson | Sam & Alicia Weyant |
23 | Tom McCracken | Jill McCracken | Tom & Jill McCracken |
30 | Jolene Zeigler & Audrey Ginder | Barbara Jo Brown | Ashley/Tanya DeHoff & Michele Gibbel |
Thank you to all those who help with Children’s Ministry. Your time, energy, and dedication are appreciated. If you need to make a schedule change or would like to serve as a teacher or in the nursery, please contact Michele Gibbel (717) 318-5442 or mgibbel@yahoo.com.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry will resume its regular monthly meetings on Tuesday, September 11th at 1:00 in the church lounge. We would like to welcome new members to this important outreach of First Church of the Brethren. All levels of knitters and those that crochet are welcome. If you can’t knit, we would enjoy helping you learn. We also make hats and scarves for the children in the city schools. Hope to see you at our next meeting. Questions-contact Barb Wueschinski
THANK YOU. . . . . . . . .
I want to thank everyone who helped to make CKV/TBHC Chicken BBQ successful this year August 11, 2018. Each persons help was appreciated. – Keyperson, Anna Miller
To the beloved Congregation of First Church. I wanted to express my thanks & appreciation to everyone who supported me in anyway with my recovery from surgery. Your many efforts have made a world of difference. May God richly bless your faithfulness. ~ Eric Zimmerman
LOOKING AHEAD. . . . . . . .
It is time to plan the OWLS activities for 2019! Everyone is invited to join us at noon on Thursday September 13 in the Homebuilders Classroom 154 for some games, lots of conversation, and to discuss activities for next year. Bring a favorite game, your bag lunch, and some ideas to share for activities. Drinks and dessert will be provided. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex by September 9 so we know how many to prepare for.
Up-coming 2018 events: October 11 – Pictures & stories from Brad & Melinda’s recent trip to NOAH’S ARK, November 8 – Visit Jay Crist’s Vehicle Museum, December 13 – Annual Christmas Tea in the OWL’s Tea room
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, September 14th, (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
SEPTEMBER 14-15, 2018 – DISTRICT CONFERENCE for the South PA District of the Church of the Brethren is being hosted by the Newville Church of the Brethren on Friday and Saturday Sept 14-15. Please hold all leaders and attendees in prayer for wise discernment, decision-making, and beneficial reports. Don Hubbell is serving as Moderator for the conference, and delegates representing York First Church are Becky Wenger, Brad Nicholas, Arlene Martin, and Pastor Joel Gibbel.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 ~ MISSION OFFERING, Sunday, Sept. 16th, UNITED Pursuing peace together – “Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” – Romans 14:19
This Church of the Brethren special offering highlights our relationships with international partners and churches. It supports Core Ministries like Brethren Volunteer Service. Global Mission and Service, and others as we pursue the peace of Christ around the world.
Your gifts do great things! Thank you for giving to the Mission Offering and supporting the Church of the Brethren!
SEPTEMBER 21 & 22, 2018 – Brethren Disaster Relief Auction, Lebanon Valley Expo, Friday, Sept. 21 and Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018
- There is a box for New Children’s Toys, Games, Books in lobby for Children’s Auction.
- Bakers can find pans, etc. in lobby.
- Register to run in 5K Race on Sat., Sept. 22.
If you register through York First, you need not pay the fee. (Deadline to guarantee a tee shirt is Aug. 31. You may register after that, but shirt is not guaranteed.)
We once again have a generous donor who will match up to $3,000. Please consider giving. Your donation will be doubled! All money will go directly to Disaster Relief. You may use the tan envelopes in back of pews – mark on front 5K Run. If you write a check, make it payable to York FCOB, and note on memo line 5K Run. (That is important so it goes there.)
- Consider signing up to help at the Information Stand for 3 hours either day. (Help will be greatly appreciated.)
- Check Bulletin Board in lobby for all ways to help.
THANK YOU. Hope to see you at the auction!
SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 – INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE PRAYER SERVICE – We will be hosting a special service of worship and prayer on Sunday evening Sept 23 at 6:30 PM. We hope to hold this service outdoors on the lawn, so please plan to bring lawn chairs and join us for a time of spirited singing, prayer, and reflection. A snack and time for fellowship will follow.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 – COMPELLING VISION SESSION – York First Church is hosting a Listening and Visioning Session on Saturday afternoon Sept 29 at 1:30 PM. All members are encouraged to attend, as are many Brethren from nearby congregations. Donita Keister, current Annual Conference Moderator, will provide leadership and direction for all who gather. These sessions will play an important role in the greater work of the Church of the Brethren, which has committed to a process of discerning a “Compelling Vision” for our ministry and mission in the years to come. Please plan to attend as we seek God’s leading together.
OCTOBER 6, 2018 – Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry Fall Fundraising Banquet featuring the Vine Street Boys, Sat., Oct. 6th – 4:00-5:20 (only) Silent auction, 5:30 Meal served – New Fairview Church of the Brethren, 1873 New Fairview Church Rd., York, Pa 17403
Tickets are $12.00 and are available until September 22. No tickets sales at the door. For tickets or additional information, see Glenn & Anna Miller.
OCTOBER 7, 2018 – Love Feast following worship (Fellowship Hall)
On August 19th we celebrated reception of two new members by baptism; Emma Stoolmaker and Ashley Dehoff
To anyone who would like to send Emma Stoolmaker cards or words of encouragement, her address is 964 Hubbard Road, South Hubbard Hall #106, East Lansing, MI 48825. (If anyone would like a college student added, please contact the church office.)
If your birthday is in SEPTEMBER and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
2 Sarah Dietrich
4 Lisa Striebig
Daniel Beuschlein
Alexander Baldwin
5 Ed Martin
Judy Richcreek
6 Leonard Stoner
Diane Colvin
7 Evan Brickner
8 Joann Klinedinst
10 Ruby Minnich
11 Linda Horner
James Knaub
12 Bonnie Wetzel
13 Steve Jones
14 Michele Gibbel
15 Peg Crist
16 Bernetta Kile
17 Dave Jacobs
23 Arlene Martin
25 Hannah Taylor
26 Bob Drawbaugh
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Joel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is (717) 318-5442, and his cell number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him atpastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.