Vol. 14- No. 5 – Friday, February 1, 2019, Karen Bowman-Editor secretary@yorkfirst.org
Web Site: yorkfirst.org Facebook: “York First Church of the Brethren”
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
SUNDAY, February 3, 2019
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School (classes for all ages)
10:30 a.m. – Worship, Sanctuary
– SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
– MESSAGE: “Love Never Ends”
From Pastor Joel:
A word of thanks and appreciation for your many prayers, kind words, and notes of encouragement for me in recent weeks as I have been recovering from recent surgery. Such things are evidence that the love of God dwells in each of you, and I am grateful to be surrounded by such a caring community. As I prepare to offer a sermon on the priority of love in the midst of spiritual striving, the task feels surprisingly simple given the foundation upon which we have built our church: the love made known in Christ that is patient, kind, and enduring. I pray that you all remain warm, safe, and well this week, and I look forward to seeing you all again on Sunday. Grace and peace.
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule
ATTENDANCE – January 27, 2019, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 85
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, the February calendar, and January/February Newsline Digest are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and can be viewed at yorkfirst.org
THIS WEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FEBRUARY 7, 2019 ~ Donald Kraybill presents “’I Just Want a Red Convertible’: Surprising Stories from 30 Years of Research and Publishing Amish Life” on Thurs., Feb. 7, 7:00 p.m., in Elizabethtown College’s Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies. Kraybill is senior fellow emeritus at the Young Center and the author or coauthor of numerous books on Anabaptist groups. For more information, call 717-361-1470 or visit www.etown.edu/youngctr/events.
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, February 8, 2019 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
York First Church of the Brethren Children’s Ministry
February | |||
Nursery 9:00-10:15
(birth-K) |
K-5th Teacher
9:00-10:00 |
Nursery 10:15-11:45
(Birth-1st) |
3 | Tom McCracken | Jill McCracken | Tom & Jill McCracken |
10 | Gail Rutland & Michele Gibbel | Diane Gibble | Gail Rutland & Michele Gibbel |
17 | Michele Gibbel & Audrey Ginder | Alicia Weyant | Sam & Alicia Weyant |
24 | Bob & Stephanie Stoolmaker | Michele Gibbel | Bob & Stephanie Stoolmaker |
Thank you to all those who help with Children’s Ministry. Your time, energy, and dedication are appreciated. If you need to make a schedule change or would like to serve as a teacher or in the nursery, please contact Michele Gibbel (717) 318-5442 or mgibbel@yahoo.com.
Check out this video for instructions on setting up your Online Giving!
(Push Control and click on the line above to view – turn on your sound!)
Sign up now for Online Giving by going to our church website at: www.yorkfirst.org and click on the Online Giving Link or go directly to the Online Giving website at: www.acionlinegiving.com/4706.
You simply complete the information including your name, address, email address, and bank information. Then choose the fund, date and frequency for your contribution. Choose General Fund for tithes/offerings.
For assistance setting up your account, call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving
Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman – Thank you for your support!!!!!
SYMPATHY AND CONDOLENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Celebration of Life Service for John Kovacs will be held at York First on Sat., Feb. 9th at 2:00 pm. Please keep the Kovacs family in your thoughts and prayers.
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FEBRUARY 14, 2019 ~ OWLS NEWS – The OWLS (Older, Wiser, Loving, Seniors) will gather in the Homebuilder’s Classroom 154 on Thursday February 14 to celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY with some games & conversation. Bring your bag lunch, a friend, and a game to share. Drinks and dessert will be provided. We also heard that Dolly is bringing soup to share. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex by February 10 so we know how many to prepare for.
FEBRUARY 23, 2019 – MAN 2 MAN Workshop 2019, Men’s Spiritual Leadership Summit and Breakfast at Mechanicsburg Church of the Brethren, for the Southern PA District. All men are welcome to attend, and leaders are especially encouraged to do so. Pastor Larry Dentler will present on the theme “Living as a Man of Christ in Divisive Times.” The event will run from 8:00 AM – 12:00 noon. Please contact Pastor Joel if interested so that we can coordinate transportation.
FEB. 23, & MARCH 2, 2019 ~ STRAWBERRY HILL’S ANNUAL MOUNT HOPE MAPLE MADNESS maple sugaring festival – Held at Camp Eder, 914 Mount Hope Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 – Sat., Feb. 23 & Sat., March 2, 7:30 – 11:30am Pancake Breakfast and Local Art & Craft Vendors 9:00am – 12:00pm Maple Sugaring Tours (90 minute tour; last tour begins at 12pm and runs until 1:30pm) Tickets available at the door. All-you-care-to-eat Pancake Breakfast: $8 Adult / $4 Child Maple Sugaring Tour: $8 Adult / $5 Child “SWEET DEAL”: Best Price — Breakfast & a Tour $14 Adult / $7 Child (under 3 Free)
FEBRUARY 27, 2019 – NEW WINDSOR WORK DAY – Work Day at New Windsor is scheduled for Wednesday, February 27. We will assist in the Material Resources program by processing incoming Health Kits, preparing them for shipment. (It is mostly a sit down job.) You are invited to join us. Just be sure to sign the sheet in the narthex to reserve a seat on the bus and to be counted for lunch. We leave the church parking lot at 7:15 a..m. and return by 5:00 p.m. Lunch is provided. That’s WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th. Any questions? Call Helen Stoner (717-624-3398)
SAVE THE DATE – MEAT CANNING PROJECT – April 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30 & May 1 ~ More information to follow. Sign up sheets are posted on the board in the lobby.
SAVE THE DATE – MAY 8th, 2019 – CDC 50th Anniversary Celebration – Wednesday Evening, May 8th we will be hosting a dinner and celebration for the Child Development Center marking 50 years in operation! Mark your calendars now and plan to attend. More information to follow.
SAVE THE DATE! York First Church of the Brethren Vacation Bible School – Mark your calendars and plan to help!
If your birthday is in FEBRUARY and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
2 Lori Beuschlein
Christopher Jon Baldwin
4 Christina Snook
6 Becca Miller
8 Sidney Innerst
9 Calla Michelle Stehr
10 Darrell Gipe
14 Patricia Carey
16 Barry Hollinger
17 Joshua Kovacs
18 Doris Plymire
21 Judy Yingling
22 Becky McCracken
23 Pat Trimmer
Justin Drawbaugh
Luca Ferro
25 Ruth Schmidt
26 Jayne Baldwin
Sandy Yeager
27 Owen Statler
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Joel is back in the office but not able to drive for several more weeks. Visitation is therefore very limited, but do not hesitate to call with any concerns.
Pastor Joel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is (717) 318-5442, and his cell number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him at pastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPAA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
York First Church of the Brethren, 2710 Kingston Road, York, PA 17402, Ph: 717-755-0307, Fax: 717-755-1382, yorkfirst.org