Weekly News
Vol. 10-No. 3 Friday, January 22, 2016
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– Sanctuary: “Finishing the Task”
– Scripture: Nehemiah 5 & 6
Thoughts on the Word: In chapter 6 of Nehemiah, verses 15 and 16 we read that the work on rebuilding the walls is completed. I feel like there is an analogy here for the church. The Israelites sit among ruins for over 100 years; the wall of the city is rebuilt in just 52 days! We may not change the direction of the church that fast, we must remember Nehemiah is working with stone and we are working with human lives. But we are called to be a ministry force for the kingdom of God or we will slip into irrelevancy and eventually disappear. Would anyone in the community miss us?
A. Cancellations will be announced through our church phone system.
Please use the following process:
1. Call the church office at 755-0307.
2. When answering machine message begins, press 6
3. A recorded message will indicate the status of church services/activities.
B. Cancellations will be announced on the church’s web site at www.yorkfirst.org, and when possible, emails will be sent to all online mailing list members and added to our Facebook page and Twitter, and in that 1, 2, 3, 4 order. *Weather related cancellations will not be announced on radio or TV.
POSTPONEMENT – ALL-CHURCH BIRTHDAY LUNCH: Due to the weather forecast this weekend, the All-Church Birthday Lunch is being postponed until the Spring. Thank you to everyone that volunteered to decorate tables, bring food and attend. Please keep an eye out for the event in the spring! – The Fellowship Team postponement
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE – January 17, 2016, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – Total Attendance – 89
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, January calendar, and January/February Mission and Ministry newsletter are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
Copies of the pastor’s sermons will be available on our website at https://yorkfirst.org/sermons.SHTML You may also contact the church office to request a copy.
YORK FIRST WEBSITE: We are excited to announce the York First website is being updated to a new design! The new website design will be “mobile friendly” meaning that it will adjust to the screen of your computer, tablet or smartphone.
The new design can be viewed here, http://dev.yorkfirst.org/home/ and will switch over near the end of February with announcements. The original website will be live until further notice and will be the one with the most updated information.
Please note the new design is most compatible with Internet Explorer 8, 9,10, 11, Firefox, Safari and Chrome browsers.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the new design, please contact Tim Beckwith at timothy.a.beckwith@gmail.com or 717-304-6405.
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL: We at First Church look forward to our 2nd Spiritual Renewal Congregational Luncheon. It will be held on February 21st following worship (snow date is the 28th). The youth will be preparing lunch for us and we want to extend the invitation to everyone to stay and be a part of this uplifting event in the life or our church. The emphasis will be on “Spiritual Appreciation.” In preparation for that Sunday, we can begin our thinking now by asking the following question, “How many of the four inward spiritual disciplines can you name?”
(The answers will appear in next Friday’s e-newsletter.)
MESSENGER RENEWAL: It is time to renew your Messenger subscription or you may also begin subscribing to it. The cost through First Church is $14.50 which is a savings of $3.00. Messenger envelopes will be available in the narthex beginning on Sunday, January 24, through Sunday, February 7, for you to complete and put your payment in. They can be placed in the church offering plates OR given to the person manning the Messenger table that Sunday. You can also place it in the box marked Messenger on the counter in the church office. Checks NEED to be made payable to First Church of the Brethren because we need to send one check from the church for the total amount. If you have any questions contact Elizabeth Eisenhart.
REMINDER – YEAR END STATEMENTS are available for pick up on the table in the narthex.
JANUARY 26, 2016 – Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study – Starting Tuesday, January 26, we will begin a study of The Life and Ministry of Paul based on the book by Beth Moore. You need not purchase the book but a journal or notebook will be helpful in following along in our study. All are welcome to join us for this time of study, prayer, and fellowship in the lounge at 9:30 on Tuesday mornings. We look forward to seeing you. Any questions, contact Pat Trimmer in person or at 292-2960.
JANUARY 29-31, 2016 – Camp Eder WINTER CAMP 2016 – Grab your sleds and come join us for a weekend filled with fun activities and adventure as we explore camp in the winter! Grades 1st – 12th. – Registration fee $ 95.00. See the bulletin board for the registration form or register online at www.campeder.org or contact Mike Kovacs at mkovacs@campeder.org (717) 642-8256. See Kathy Kovacs at 309-0678 with any questions or additional information.
To Evelyn Chronister on the passing of her daughter, Judy Kyle. Judy passed away on January 12, 2016. Please keep Evelyn, Judy’s husband, children and family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you notes received from our Ministry Partners:
The recent gift from your congregation, representing the completion of your annual allocation to Bethany, allows for continued connections within and beyond the walls of Bethany Seminary. I send you thanks both for choosing to make Bethany one of your outreach recipients for 2015 and for continuing to keep Bethany as a first thought in theological education for the Church of the Brethren and the world.
Monica Rice, Coordinator of Congregational Relations
$200 Witness Commitment
Thank you for your ongoing financial support towards the Outdoor Ministry of Camp Eder. It is through your help that lives are touched and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared with all who visit our “home in the hills”.
Alan Patterson, Camp Director
$200 Witness Commitment
Thank you for helping the Lehman Center fight child abuse……whether your gift means that we will save money because we don’t have to buy supplies or your donation provides a needed item to a family, you have helped us in our mission. You have kept a child safe, comforted a child who has been hurt, and helped a parent be strong. Thank you for making our community a better place for children to grow up and for families to live.
Jan Zeigler, Interim Executive Director
Christmas gifts for family
Thank you for your support of the mission and ministry of the Church of the Brethren. It is through your generosity that ministries grow and lives are changed……..It is a blessing to partner with you to carry the light of Christ into the world, and to boldly share the love of Jesus with neighbors down the street and around the world.
Stanley J. Noffsinger, General Secretary
$2420, Witness Commitment
The Brethren Home Foundation gratefully acknowledges your generous gift.
Don Wilkinson
$200, Good Samaritan Fund, Witness Commitment
I am writing to say thanks to you and the York First congregation for your faithful giving to the Lord and the Southern PA District. We deeply appreciate the $17,260.00 received as you support your District Financial Ministries Allocation.
I am grateful when I see the amounts given by each of our 44 congregations and I realize this is sacrificial giving on so many levels. This past year as well as supporting the on-going work of the District, we raised much more than our challenge goal for Nigeria. In this giving, I see the hearts of true disciples sharing out of their love for Christ.
Rev. Dr. William A. Waugh, District Executive
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . .
FEBRUARY 5 -6, 2016 – Camp Eder WOMEN’S RETREAT; “Come to the Banquet” with Karen Dillon. Camp Eder, Tree of Peace Lodge. Gather with friends and enjoy the comical musings from Karen Dillon – wife, mother, teacher, book editor, cancer survivor – as she brings a lighthearted approach to accepting food and ourselves….as God intended. Embark on a journey through 4 meals designed to inspire, encourage, and celebrate. See poster on bulletin board. If you have any questions, contact Kathy Kovacs at 309-0678.
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, February 12, 2016 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016 – CAMP EDER SENIOR DAY, Wed., Feb. 17th, 9:30 am Welcome and Breakfast Bar, 10:00 Morning Program – Alan Patterson singing love songs of early 1900’s, 12:00 Lunch – Lasagna, salad, garlic bread, broccoli, & dessert, 1:00 Afternoon Program – Elva’s Chalk Art – Cost: $17 per person. Reserve your spot by Feb. 12th by calling 717-642-8256 or emailing campeder@campeder.org See flyer on bulletin board or contact Kathy Kovacs with any questions.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016 – NEW WINDSOR WORK DAY ~ A work day in SERRV is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17TH. An email from SERRV indicated that they are looking for workers to process items for the gift shop and catalog sales. Our volunteer hours assist the program in a meaningful way. We will meet in the church parking lot at 7:15 a.m. and Marvin Gibble will drive us to New Windsor. Lunch is provided by SERRV and time in the gift shop is allowed for shopping. We return to First Church by 5:00 p.m. Hope you can join us. Sign the sheet in the narthex. If you have questions, call Helen Stoner, 624-3398.
FEBRUARY 27, 2016 ~ MAN 2 MAN Workshop 2016 – 8:00 am -12:00 noon–Mechanicsburg Church of the Brethren, 301 Gale St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, $ 16.00 Registration Fee~ Men’s Spiritual Leadership Summit and Breakfast, DEEDS & DESTINY, Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do. Attributes of a Decision-maker. Man UP! Guest Speaker: Ron Hostetler-Author, Educator, and Speaker – Sponsored by: Southern Pennsylvania District Church of the Brethren (See Bulletin for registration information and more details)
FEBRUARY 28 AND MARCH 7, 2016 – Camp Eder Mount Hope Maple Madness! Festivals of fun sponsored by Strawberry Hill and Camp Eder – Pancake Breakfast: 7:30 am – 11:30 am. Adults $ 8., Children 3-12 $ 4., Under 3 FREE. Warm up with indoor arts & crafts vendors, music, sugaring supplies, gifts and fun! Maple Sugaring Programs: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Members and children ages 3 -12, $ 5 and Non-members $ 8 – No reservations necessary! See flyer on bulletin board or contact Kathy Kovacs with any questions
If your birthday is in FEBRUARY and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office
2 Lori Beuschlein
Christopher Jon Baldwin
4 Christina Snook
6 Becca Miller
8 Sidney Innerst
10 Darrell Gipe
11 Anne Ault
14 Patricia Carey
16 Barry Hollinger
17 Joshua Kovacs
18 Doris Plymire
19 Dustin LeGrand
21 Judy Yingling
22 Becky McCracken
23 Pat Trimmer
Justin Drawbaugh
25 Ruth Schmidt
26 Mike Baldwin
Jayne Baldwin
Sandy Yeager
27 Owen Statler
Contacting the Pastor: Pastor Don can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The pastor reserves afternoons and evenings for visitation, meetings, and other pastoral-related activities. If you need to reach a Pastor Don outside of office hours, please call him at home at 792-4090, or cell phone 818-6266, and leave a message on his home answering machine. He will return your call at his earliest opportunity. If you would specifically like a pastoral visit, please contact the pastor. HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted. You MUST specifically note to hospital staff that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Contacting the Youth Director, Garrett Page: His phone number is (614) 400-9533 or by email at: nykgarrettpage@yahoo.com