Weekly News
Vol. 10-No. 49 Friday, December 9, 2016
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– Sanctuary: “Floating in water”
– Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10
Thoughts on the Word: This Sunday’s text from Isaiah 35:1-10 hardly seems like a passage we would turn to in the Advent season, however it has a lot to say to us about the seasons of our lives that are often dry and in need of refreshment from God. As we approach Christmas we may have gone through a dry season during the course of this past year. A time when there was difficult and dramatic change in our journey through life. A time where we experienced grief over the loss of a loved one or perhaps transition has occurred in your life. God’s message to us this Sunday is one of renewal and refreshment. Blessings and peace as walk the “Holy Way” spoken of in verse 8. Pastor Don
DECEMBER 11TH, Pastor Retirement Luncheon following the service.
A Noel Celebration is the title of the 2016 cantata at York First Church of the Brethren being offered at the 10:30 service on December 18th. This collaborative cantata looks at the Christmas story through the eyes of first-hand witnesses, who share their unique perspectives on the miraculous birth of Jesus. Zechariah (Terry Wueschinski) Mary (Caroline Wolfe) Joseph (Alex Baldwin) a Shepherd (Barry Hollinger) a Wise Man (Roy Rollman) and aged saint Simeon (Frank Leaman) all share their stories through dramatic monologues. A blend of original and familiar carols provides a dramatic sonic backdrop for these inspiring stories. Ed Hogan’s stunning arrangements makes this piece a versatile work that will be presented by the choir a string ensemble and organ. Please come on Dec 18 to the service at York First Church of the Brethren for this meaningful cantata.
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule.
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE – December 4, 2016, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 104
COPIES OF this week’s e-news, December calendar, and December Newsline Digest (formerly Mission and Ministry newsletter) are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
Copies of the pastor’s sermons will be available on our website at https://yorkfirst.org/sermons/ You may also contact the church office to request a copy.
IF YOU DROP ANYTHING AT THE CHURCH OFFICE please mark the reason it is being left, WHO or WHERE it should be directed. ~ THANK YOU!
ORDER YOUR POINSETTIAS~ December 4th and December 11th – Taking orders in the narthex between Sunday School and church and after church. Cost: $ 10.00, cash or check. Orders may also be placed through the church office.
Special Offering for Deacon’s Fund -December 11, 2016
What is the Deacon’s Fund?
The easiest way to describe this fund is to call it a benevolent fund. A fund to benefit any member or friend of York First Church of the Brethren. In the past this fund has helped pay rents, utilities, and airplane tickets for bereaved family members.
Currently our fund is at $900.
During this season of giving, please give as you can to this very important part of our Church’s mission.
December 18th, a Cantata, “A Noel Celebration”, will be presented by the Chancel Choir at 10:30 am. The cantata will be directed by David Diehl and accompanied by a string ensemble and by Michael Baldwin.
December 24th, a Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Carols, special music, the spoken word, and candle lighting will be featured.
Sunday, December 25th, at 10:30 am, will be a Christmas Day Celebration Service featuring carols and readings. There is no Sunday School scheduled.
Sunday, January 1st, at 10:30 am, a New Year’s Day Service is being planned by the Youth of the church. There is no Sunday School scheduled.
There is a copy of the member’s pages of this year’s directory on the table in the narthex. PLEASE review and make any necessary changes on this copy.
We hope to have the most accurate information to print the 2017 directory.
2017 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available for you to pick up in the narthex.
NOTE: Many numbers have changed since 2016.
Do NOT use your 2016 envelopes after December 31, 2016, and do NOT use the 2017 envelopes before January 1, 2017 to assure that the contributions are credited to the correct contributor.
DECEMBER 18, 2016 (For Book Order) ~ Women’s Bible Study – BEGINNING Tues., Jan. 10th, we will begin a new series of studies. We will explore the lessons in the book, Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg. The book explores awakening God’s fierce love, escaping fear, discovering freedom from the past and becoming more winsome, cheerful, and thankful leading us to become a more joy-filled child of God – every day. Please join us by calling or contacting Pat Trimmer. PS: Orders for the book should not be later than December 18.
Search Committee Update
The Search Committee is pleased to inform the congregation that the congregational profile was uploaded to the denominations website on November 30th. The profile can now be accessed by potential candidates. Interested candidates will forward their profiles to District Executive Bill Waugh. Bill will then forward the profiles of candidates that match our criteria to the Search Committee. We will keep the congregation informed of our progress.
Tom McCracken
Search Committee Chair
Purchase Giant or Weis gift cards for your holiday FOOD shopping, Christmas GIFTS, & DONATIONS.
I have $25 and $10 denominations available. See me on Sunday. ~ Carole Bradfield
Holiday Season Witness Opportunities:
This year the Christmas Eve offering will be given to Church World Service to support the needs of refugee resettlement including, shelter, food and supplies.
To date we have donations of $5,250 for the CAS campaign. Witness will match up to $10,000!
THANK YOU for all the casseroles made for Our Daily Bread this year, 2016.
Helping those less fortunate is a blessing to both the giver and those that receive.
2017 will be another opportunity to help. We serve at Our Daily Bread the 2nd Friday of each month. If you can help..the casserole pans are for you.You can put your casserole in the freezer in the kitchen anytime of the month. Just mark it SK.
Thank you. A.Ginder
Thank you to everyone that baked cookies for the Dallastown Concert. We had left over cookies for the Owls this week, cookies for shut-ins and pastor visits, and we still had cookies for “Our Daily Bread”. Blessings for your generosity. – Worship Team
The Beckwiths would like to thank all who volunteered their time and talents to help make the start of Advent such a special time. Your time was much appreciated.
Dear Ministry Supporter:
2016 has been a year of transition for Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry. Chaplain Dan was called home to be with our Lord in May and we now have two new chaplains covering the duties associated with the ministry. We went from five day a week coverage and one morning service on Sunday, to seven day a week coverage with two services on Sunday, one at 8:00 AM and one at 5:00 PM.
The one constant for the drivers, employees, homeless, and travelers is our yearly cookie distribution project. As you well know, each year many churches from different denominations come together to bring a little bit of home baking and holiday cheer to those on the road. All through the summer and fall individuals have asked “Are you going to be having the cookies this year?”
Please accept our thanks for your generous support of our cookie distribution ministry – and for making it a great success! May God bless and keep you all, Chaplain Craig, Chaplain Dave, The Board of Directors – Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry
- Cancellations will be announced through our church phone system.
Please use the following process:
- Call the church office at 755-0307.
- When answering machine message begins, press 6
- A recorded message will indicate the status of church services/activities.
- Cancellations will be announced on the church’s web site at www.yorkfirst.org, and when possible, emails will be sent to all online mailing list members and added to our Facebook page and Twitter, and in that 1, 2, 3, 4 order. *Weather related cancellations will not be announced on radio or TV.
Contacting the Pastor: Pastor Don can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The pastor reserves afternoons and evenings for visitation, meetings, and other pastoral-related activities. If you need to reach a Pastor Don outside of office hours, please call him at home at 792-4090, or cell phone 818-6266, and leave a message on his home answering machine. He will return your call at his earliest opportunity. If you would specifically like a pastoral visit, please contact the pastor. HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted. You MUST specifically note to hospital staff that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Contacting the Youth Director, Garrett Page: His phone number is (614) 400-9533 or by email at: nykgarrettpage@yahoo.com