Weekly News
Vol. 10-No. 52 Friday, December 30, 2016
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– Sanctuary: “New Start, New Chapter”
– Scripture: Ezekiel 11: 19-20
Thoughts on the Word: Thank you for the many blessings you have shared with me and my family – Goodbye and God bless you All, Pastor Don
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule.
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE – December 24, 2016, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 220
December 25, 2016, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 64
COPIES OF this week’s e-news and the January calendar are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
Copies of the pastor’s sermons will be available on our website at https://yorkfirst.org/sermons/ You may also contact the church office to request a copy.
ADVENT DECORATION TAKE DOWN PARTY, Saturday, January 7th at 9 am.
For those interested in helping take down the Advent decorations, we will be meeting at the church on Saturday, January 7th at 9 am. If you have questions, please contact Brittney Beckwith.
IF YOU DROP ANYTHING AT THE CHURCH OFFICE please mark the reason it is being left, WHO or WHERE it should be directed. ~ THANK YOU!
2017 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available for you to pick up in the narthex.
NOTE: Many numbers have changed since 2016.
Do NOT use your 2016 envelopes after December 31, 2016, and do NOT use the 2017 envelopes before January 1, 2017 to assure that the contributions are credited to the correct contributor.
DECEMBER 30, 2016 – 7:00 pm at York First Church of the Brethren – Recital by Courtney Ross, singer & Stephen Carey, pianist. Courtney Ross was a former member of the Fort Worth Opera Studio, and has performed in the U.S. as well as Europe. Stephen Carey, is in his 5th season as the principal pianist/vocal coach with Fort Worth Opera. Previous to coming to Fort Worth Opera, Stephen spent 11 years working for Opera Memphis. This program will include opera, musical theatre, and holiday selections.
JANUARY 6, 11, & 26, 2017 ~ The new Brookside care center at The Brethren Home Community will hold three open houses in January. Once they are in operation the facility will not be open for casual visitation because of privacy and security considerations, so January will be the time to see the excellent facility that has been provided. The dates are Friday, January 6, from 2:00 to 4:00 Wednesday January 11, from 4:00 to 6:00 Thursday January 26, from 2:00 to 4:00.
A big “THANK YOU” to all the Worship Leaders who volunteered during the Sundays in 2016. Your willingness to serve was greatly appreciated.
To Judy Yingling on the passing of her sister, Dottie Klinedinst. Dottie passed away last night. Please keep Judy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . .
JANUARY 12, 2017 ~ OWLS NEWS – JOIN the OWLS at noon on Thursday January 12 for lunch and an interesting program centered around the ONE DOLLAR BILL. Bob Anderson will join us to lead the discussion. Bring your bag lunch, a crisp, new ONE DOLLAR BILL and a MAGNIFYING GLASS so we can explore the hidden treasures to be found there. We meet in the Homebuilders classroom 154. Everyone is invited. Drinks and dessert will be provided. Please sign up in the narthex by January 8 so we know how many to prepare for.
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, January 13, 2017 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
If your birthday is in JANUARY and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
6 Ruby Nicholas
Tom Klinedinst
7 Greg Minnich
9 Jeffrey Yingling
11 Nathan Beuschlein
14 Beth Drawbaugh
Clarence Sauder
15 Ron Horner
Steven Fitzkee
Jim Poland
16 Cathy McCracken
18 Melanie Schaefer
19 Luke Miller
Greg Bachman
20 Spencer Ginder
25 Valerie Sauder
27 Larry Gibble
28 Vivian Hubbell
31 Mikel Kile-Flickinger
A. Cancellations will be announced through our church phone system.
Please use the following process:
1. Call the church office at 755-0307.
2. When answering machine message begins, press 6
3. A recorded message will indicate the status of church services/activities.
B. Cancellations will be announced on the church’s web site at www.yorkfirst.org, and when possible, emails will be sent to all online mailing list members and added to our Facebook page and Twitter, and in that 1, 2, 3, 4 order. *Weather related cancellations will not be announced on radio or TV.
Contacting the Pastor: Please contact the church office at 755-0307. You MUST specifically note to hospital staff that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Contacting the Youth Director, Garrett Page: His phone number is (614) 400-9533 or by email at: nykgarrettpage@yahoo.com