Weekly News
Vol. 12-No. 48 Friday, December 1, 2017
Karen Bowman, Editor, secretary@yorkfirst.org
Our Vision Statement: “To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
Our Mission Statement: “People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
SUNDAY, December 3, 2017
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
– SANCTUARY: “Restore Us”
– SCRIPTURE: Psalm 80:1-7,17-19, Mark 13:33-37
From Pastor Joel –
The season of advent has arrived, and with it a new year begins for the church and her people. Advent is a time of waiting, of remembering and anticipating the coming of Jesus. I have chosen the theme for this season to be “The Light is Coming” – language that is drawn from scripture and points us toward new hope in the time to come. I encourage us all to reflect often on the expectations that we carry this season – our hopes, our joys, and our sense for what God desires from us this coming year.
Advent Devotional booklets entitled “The Magnificent Story” and written by Jim Lehman are available in the Gathering Area as a resource for personal and family devotional life this season. Please take one on Sunday and take time to read from it each day, as a spiritual discipline and as a pathway into the story of Christ’s coming. My you all sense the light made visible in Christ this season, as we begin a new chapter in our life together as a church.
DECEMBER 10TH – 9:00 am – Advent Breakfast – FH
7:00 pm – The Dallastown Strings and Choral Ensembles with Jubilee Ringers from York First.
DECEMBER 17TH – 10:30 am – Cantata will be presented by the Chancel Choir
DECEMBER 24TH – 10:30 am – Worship Service
7:00 pm – Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
ATTACHMENTS: Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School Schedule
Tax Free Charitable Giving Letter – A copy is also available on the table in the narthex.
ATTENDANCE – November 26, 2017, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service – 96
COPIES OF this week’s E-news and the December calendar are available to be picked up on the table in the narthex and at YorkFirst.org
AV TEAM is looking for people, male or female, to join the AV team. If interested, please contact Tim Beckwith or Patricia Carey, Worship Team Chair.
USHER TEAM: We are looking for additional ushers – Anyone may serve. Although, we would like to have several ladies and several youth. Please see any team leader if you are interested.
There is a copy of the member’s pages of this year’s directory on the table in the narthex. PLEASE review and make any necessary changes on this copy.
We hope to have the most accurate information to print the 2018 directory.
Dear First Church family, Carol and I are so very grateful to you for your support, encouragement and friendship during our time together. It was a great experience from day one until our final Sunday. Thanks so much for the cards and expressions of best wishes we received from many of you. We are especially grateful for the generous love gift we received.
We continue to pray that God will guide and strengthen you as you move forward with the able leadership of Pastor Joel. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Bob and Carol Krouse
HOMEMADE COOKIES NEEDED – Bring your homemade cookies to the lounge on Sunday morning, December 3 and place on the table. Thank you for sharing the love of Christ with others.~ Elizabeth Eisenhart
ORDER YOUR POINSETTIAS~ December 3rd and December 10th – Taking orders in the narthex between Sunday School and church and after church. Cost: $ 10.00, cash or check. Orders may also be placed through the church office.
DECORATING FOR ADVENT SEASON: Advent is fast approaching, it is time to schedule to decorate the sanctuary for the Holidays. We will gather on Saturday, December 2nd at 9am in the sanctuary. Please let Patricia Carey know if you will be joining us that morning or you will do your part of this at a different time. I want to make sure everything is ready for Sunday, December 3rd when Advent starts. Any questions or concerns, please contact Patricia Carey.
ADVENT BREAKFAST – SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10TH AT 9 AM! Please mark your calendars to attend! Sign-up sheets for breakfast items and table sponsors/centerpiece decorations are posted in the narthex area, so please sign up to bring a casserole, baked oatmeal, fruit or fruit salad, juice, muffins, donuts and/or bread. We look forward to seeing you at the breakfast. More details to come! If you have questions, please see Tim Beckwith.
“DONATIONS TO THE HEIFER PROJECT can be made using the envelopes in the pew racks. Include your name and designate for Heifer Project. Donations in Honor or Memory of loved ones can be made the same way, and will be acknowledged December 31, 2017. Thank you.”
CASH FOR CAUSES ~ Purchase Giant & Weis gift cards for your food shopping, gift giving, food pantry and other donations. I have (a limited quantity of) $10 & $25 denominations for those last minute gifts and stocking stuffers.
See me on Sunday morning. Carole Bradfield
THIS WEEK. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, December 8, 2017 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
•FOOD (per donation)
•LUMINARY GARDEN (honoring our loved ones)
HEIFFER INTERNATIONAL reaches into remote parts of the world to provide small live- stock to families in hard to reach places. This year donations will buy geese and goats for small farmers.
GIVING JOYFULLY This time of year can be very difficult for families. Please bring any amount of the following items for local families in need: Small bags of rice, oatmeal, applesauce, and cereals. All donations will go to Fair eld families in need via
Dec. 5 – Assemble cookies for Truck Stop Ministry
Dec. 12 – Ladies Bible Study Luncheon – NO LESSON – Meeting at 11:30 at: Isaac’s Restaurant & Deli, 2960 Whiteford Rd., York, PA 17402.
For those interested in carpooling from the church – please call Pat Trimmer at 717-292-2960
Ladies Bible Study resumes – January 9 – 11:30 a.m. New Study (details to come)
Also, any lady that did not get an updated address, phone list of ladies in our Bible Study, please remind me when you come to class. I handed out this past week to those who were present. I won’t really know if you got one or not, so you need to let me know. BLESSINGS TO ALL ~Dolly
Brad and Ruby Nicholas and their family due to the death of their grandson, Timothy Fairman. Please keep Brad, Ruby and their family in your thoughts and prayers.
THANK YOU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To my church family, heartfelt gratitude for your prayers, expressions of love and concern as I get acquainted with my new hip. I hope to be back soon. ~ Helen Stoner
Thank you for sending prayers, cards and thoughts. It means a lot to us. We cherish each message that comes. Thank you for your kindness and we keep praying for the church. ~ David, Joan, Andrew, & Jonathan Young
Lehman Center Christmas Gifts
This year we are again sponsoring Destiney’s family for Christmas. They are most appreciative of any items that we can provide. Suggestions:
Liyana – age 5 – earrings (pierced), size 6 clothing – t-shirts and short sleeve tops
Dylan – age 7 – art supplies, size 7 pants (no jeans)
Gift cards for both children – McDonalds, Sweet Frog, movies, pizza, etc.
Family – TV trays, board games – Uno, Beat the Parents, Spot It, Find It Game
Gift cards for groceries, gas, restaurants, etc.
Also, this year the Crisis Nursery has a wish list of items needed:
Paw Patrol Sea Patroller
Matchbox Rocky Robot Truck
DC Superhero Girl Action Figures
Please place items in the basket in the narthex marked “Lehman Center Christmas Gifts” by December 10th. Gift cards and cash/checks may be placed in the offering marked for the Lehman Center family or Crisis Nursery.
It is Advent season again, that time of the year we look forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus. It can be both a joyous and stressful time. Many of us have a long “to do” list to insure every task is completed to make this Christmas special and memorable. Wouldn’t it be great if we could make it special and also help someone else in need?
Heifer International can help you provide a helping hand to someone in need while removing a task or two from your “to do” list.
Here are some facts you may not know about Heifer International.
Heifer International’s mission is to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth.
Heifer International has set a goal to help 4 million families achieve living incomes by 2020.
Since 1944, when it was started by Dan West, they have helped more than 31 million families.
Heifer has been ranked in the top four most trusted nonprofit organizations in the past four years by Harris Poll Equitrend.
Passing on the gift, or giving away a portion of what you have been given, is at the heart of Heifer’s value based development.
Heifers are just one of many types of livestock given to families in need. Also given are water buffaloes, llamas, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, chicks and bees.
Families are given extensive training on how to care for their Heifer provided animals and agree to pass on an offspring to neighbors also in need.
As little as $20 buys a flock of chicks – with each hen able to lay 200 protein-packed eggs a year.
$60 buys a tree that can produce fruit, nuts or fodder to feed a family and their livestock in a sustainable way.
$250 buys a water buffalo that allows a family to plant four times more crops than by hand and then transport their harvests to market.
The Spiritual Enrichment and Witness teams are joining together this Advent season to offer you a chance to be a part of the good works of Heifer International. Our goal is to send an Ark through Heifer by raising $5000 by the end of the year. Your gift to Heifer is tax deductible and will appear on your church giving statement if given through an envelope placed in the offering plate. Your gift can be given in honor of a family member or friend. See a team member at the Heifer International table in the narthex for an honor card you can send to your honoree. Let’s make this a truly memorable Christmas.
From the SO PA District Office:
Paul Boldosser from the Black Rock Church of the Brethren is organizing a team to help repair homes damaged by Hurricane Irma in the Daytona Beach Florida area. The work week will be December 11-15, 2017. Current plans are to leave Pennsylvania on December 9th and return the following weekend. The volunteers will be working with the UCC construction leaders. The housing includes beds and mattresses, men’s and women’s showers and a kitchen. There are accommodations for 10 men and 10 women. Workers and a cook are needed.
Please contact Paul at 717-229-2068 before December 1st with questions and to volunteer.
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . . . . . .
DECEMBER 11, 2017 ~ The 2nd annual Walk A Christmas Mile in East York is scheduled for Monday, December 11th at 6:00 PM. This neighborhood walk into Christmas includes stops at five local churches starting at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (700 E. Market St.) and ending at the 4th United Methodist Church (20 N. Lehman St.) with snacks, fellowship, and a puppet program. This year’s theme is “FOLLOW THE STAR” and also includes wayside scripture, song, and prayer at Emmanuel Church of God in Christ, York Second Church of the Brethren, and the Church of the Living God. Limited transportation is available. Join this worship excursion. Bring a flashlight… Bring a friend… Bring your family.
DECEMBER 14, 2017 ~ OWLS CHRISTMAS TEA – The annual OWLS Christmas Tea takes place at NOON On Thursday December 14 in the OWLS TEAROOM (AKA Homebuilder’s classroom 154). Get into the Christmas Spirit with a fun-filled time together as we celebrate the Christmas season with good friends, and good food, (provided by Dolly Furst). Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex ASAP, no later than December 10, so we know how many to prepare for.
JANUARY 12-13, 2018 ~ SOUTHERN PA DISTRICT-WIDE YOUTH ACTIVITY ~ Swim Upstream -Where We Will Begin to Explore Jesus’ Love & What it Means to Live Counter Culturally -for Youth grades 6-12, Contact Pastor Joel for registration information.
CAMP EDER ~ LIFE OUTDOORS ~ LIFESKILLS WORKSHOP, Free and open to the public RSVP @ 717-642-8256, Workshops will fill fast. Please R.S.V.P. – Register online now
First Thursday of every month. 6:30p – 8p at Camp Eder
December 7, 2017 – Rockclimbing ‘gravity is a myth’
January 4, 2018 – Knit & Crochet ‘woven together’
February 1, 2018 – Terrariums ‘warm in Winter’
March 1, 2018 – Outdoor Survival Skills ‘no problems’
April 5, 2018 – Beekeeping ‘bee ready for Spring’
Come hang out & learn the basics of some awesome life skills.
If your birthday is in DECEMBER and it is not on the above list or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
2 Melinda Carlson
Larry Logue
4 Ron Gray
Haley Grace Yingling
Paige Noelle Yingling
7 Brynleigh McCracken
8 Todd Plymire
10 Barbara Rollman
12 Bob Stoolmaker
Tim Beckwith
14 Peggy Metzger
Christina Deitch
Kelly Boogher
15 Dave Bradfield, Sr
16 Brad Shenk
17 Jon Beuschlein
Linda Min
18 Eric Brickner
Julie Ilyes
Lilah Margrett Jan
19 Walter Bachman
21 Lindsay McCracken
23 Dave McCracken
24 Matthew Klinedinst
26 Emma Stoolmaker
CONTACTING THE PASTOR: Pastor Joel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday—Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Afternoons and evenings are set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment. If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is (717) 318-5442, and his cell number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him at pastor@yorkfirst.org. By the way, HIPA laws prevent the hospital from contacting the pastor when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.